Contributing as a Developer
Getting Started
We are using a pnpm
workspace, installing things via npm will result in broken dependencies.
You're using a version of node that's on/after version 16.13.2
- Install node by visiting
You have pnpm installed.
- You can install pnpm by running in your terminal
npm install -g pnpm
- Fork our Repository
- Go to the forked repo and click the green "Code" button
- Copy the HTTPS link (i.e
- Go to your IDE and open the terminal
- Type in the terminal "git clone your-HTTPS-link".
For example,
git clone
- Then paste these two commands in the terminal
cd nft-gallery;
pnpm i;
If you come across ERR_PNPM_UNSUPPORTED_ENGINE Unsupported environment (bad pnpm and/or Node.js version), run
nvm use 16
- Lastly, start the server by running
pnpm dev
KodaDot will be available at localhost:9090.
Using KodaDot on Kusama
If you want to try out our KodaDot on Kusama, you must have Docker (install here) and docker-compose (install here) installed to have a local setup and node.
Build the docker image
bashdocker-compose up --build
Check if the container is up:
bashdocker ps
bashdocker-compose up
KodaDot will be available at localhost:9090.
KodaDot supports Hot Module Replacement on Docker; any changes made will take effect immediately.
Running local Polkadot and SubSquid nodes
To run the complete local environment, we recommend running a Polkadot/Kusama node. In case you are using Apple M1, we have a tutorial for that 🍏
Current Indexers we have/use:
Checking your code
Linting code
Show all problems
yarn lint
Show only errors
yarn lint --quiet
Fix errors
yarn lint --fix
Generating changelog
To generate a changelog, use GitHub CLI List only merged
If you need limit, use -L
gh pr list -s merged --json mergedAt,baseRefName,number,title,headRefName -B main -L 37 | jq -r '.[] | .number, .title' | sed '/^[0-9]/{N; s/\n/ /;}'
How can I resolve conflict on yarn.lock?
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in yarn.lock
When you see conflict on yarn.lock
and you are on your pull-request branch, merge upstream branch and run yarn
, unless you have conflict on package.json
, that requires manual resolve.
git fetch --all
git merge origin/main
How can I read some data from the GraphQL?
Every .graphql
file is located in the src/queries/
query nftByIdMinimal($id: String!) {
nFTEntity(id: $id) {
To use it inside the .vue
file, we can import it like a regular module: For specific purposes, we also need to import the PrefixMixin
. Thanks to that app, know which indexer is using.
PrefixMixin is only applicable to the SubSquid indexers. To use SubSquid, please use client: 'subsquid' in the query call.
Then we can use it like this:
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, mixins } from "nuxt-property-decorator"
import nftByIdMinimal from "@/queries/nftByIdMinimal.graphql"
import PrefixMixin from "~/utils/mixins/prefixMixin"
export default class GalleryItem extends mixins(PrefixMixin) {
id: string = ""
nft: NFT = emptyObject<NFT>()
async fetch() {
const { data } = await this.$apollo.query({
client: this.urlPrefix,
query: nftByIdMinimal,
variables: { id: },
this.nft = data.nFTEntity
console.log("nft", this.nft)
How can I read on-chain data from the RPC node?
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from "nuxt-property-decorator"
import Connector from "@kodadot1/sub-api"
export default class GalleryItem extends Vue {
id = "0"
collectionId = "0"
async fetch() {
const { api } = Connector.getInstance()
const nft = await api.query.uniques.asset(this.collectionId,
console.log("nft", nft)
Is it possible to subscribe to the on-chain data from the RPC node?
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, mixins } from "nuxt-property-decorator"
import SubscribeMixin from "@/utils/mixins/subscribeMixin"
export default class GalleryItem extends mixins(SubscribeMixin) {
id = "0"
collectionId = "0"
async created() {
(nft: any) => console.log(nft) // callback which returns the data
How can I make an on-chain transaction?
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, mixins } from "nuxt-property-decorator"
import MetaTransactionMixin from "@/utils/mixins/metaMixin"
// import AuthMixin from '~/utils/mixins/authMixin' // get currently logged in account
import Connector from "@kodadot1/sub-api"
export default class GalleryItem extends mixins(MetaTransactionMixin) {
async submit() {
const cb = api.tx.system.remark
const args = "Hello World"
await this.howAboutToExecute(
this.accountId, // sender can be obtained from the AuthMixin
(blockNumber) =>
console.log(`Remark ${args} saved in block ${blockNumber}`)
How can I test Kodadot without spending KSM?
You can obtain some Westend (WND)
You can change the network in the navbar. Currently supported networks are Kusama, Westend, statemine, westmint
. Do you want to add more networks? Open a PR on vuex-options